Pharmacy Services
- Regularly scheduled deliveries Monday through Saturday
- 24/7 care
- STAT and emergency medication programs
- Personalized IV therapy
- TPN services
- Formulary to maximize cost savings
- Automatic refill program of maintenance medications
- Customized high cost medication alerts
- Expert Pharmacists specializing in long term care
- Focus of the Month
Dedicated Consultant Pharmacist
- Monthly visits
- Monthly Reports
- Quarterly QA meetings
- >90% recommendation acceptance rate
- Monthly drug inservice for nurses
Administrative Services
- Medical records
- Billing
- Directly bill third-party insurers, Medicare Part D, hospice plans and State Medicaid plans
- Provide recommendations for a covered alternative to non-covered medications that are plan-specific
- Assist in completing documentation for Prior Authorization following plan-specific requirements
- Provide timely communication to the facility regarding Medicare Part D and Medicaid eligibility requirements and changes
- Provide a Medicare Part D review as requested to ensure appropriate plan choice based on resident drug regimen
- Provide customized billing statements
- Discount for prompt payment on facility statement